Book ID: 52850
Dawson, Elliot W.
The Marine Fauna of New Zealand: Index to the Fauna 1. Protozoa. 1992. (New Zealand Oceanographic Institut Memoir,99). 368p. lex8vo. Paper bd.
Contents: Abstract/ Introduction/ Scope and Arrangement/ SystematicList (Kingdom Animalia/ Class Dinoflagellata/ Class Phytomastigophora/Class Zoomastigophora/ Class Filosa/ Class Xenophyophorea/ ClassGranuloreticulosa/ Superclass Actinopoda/ Phylum Labyrinthulata/Phylum Apicomplexa/ Phylum Microspora/ Phylum Myxozoa/ PhylumAscetospora (= Haplospora)/ Phylum Ciliophora)/ References/ Index.