Book ID: 70217
Ambrosoli, Mauro
The wild and the sown. Botany and agriculture in Western Europe: 1350 - 1850. 1997. (Past and Present Publications). XXIV, 460 p. Hardcover.
An English translation by Mary McCann Salvatorelli from the original1992 Italian edition.- Main chapter headings: Translations andclassifications of the natural environment from the fourteenth to thesixteenth century/ From medieval agronomy to Renaissance agriculture-the success of Pier de' Crescenzi between 1474 and 1561/ Lucerne inItaly/ Forage - crops in France: advance and treat/ Tradition andinnovation in sixteenth- and early seventeenth century England/The new crops and English agriculture/ From theory to seed - production:England and continental Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenthcenturies.