Book ID: 35948
TRACANNA, Beatriz C.
Algas del Noroeste Argentino (excluyendo las Dia- tomophyceae). 1985. (Opera Lilloana, no. 35). 52 plates (line-drawings). 1 136 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. - In Spanish.
This paper comprises the qualitative study of the fresh-water algal flora from the NW of Argentina and constitutes the first taxonomical inventory of the Schizophyta, Pyrrophyta, Euglenophyta, Chromophyta(excluded the Diatomophyceae) and Chlorophyta for this region. 350 fresh-water algae are described. Chlorophyta are predominant with 213 different taxa, followed by Schizophyta (79). Thirty-seven new species,varieties and formae in the genera Closterium, Coelastrum, Cosmarium,Chodatella, Distigma, Euastrum, Euglena, Lyngbya, Microcystis,Mougeotia, Oocystis, Oscillatoria, Palmella, Radiofilum, Scenedesmus, Spirogyra, Staurastrum, Trachelomonas, Vaucheria and Zygnema are proposed. All taxa are illustrated in 624 figures belonging to 52plates; and a map about geographical distribution of each species is added.