Book ID: 79868
Singh, Sandhya, Preeti Pandey and Sushil Kumar
Traditional Knowledge on the Medicinal Plants of Ayurveda. 2000. VI, 392 p.
The book is made up by 50 monographic treatments of relevant plants,e.g. Azadirachta indica, Bacopa monnieri, Phyllanthus emblica,Terminalia arjuna, Tinospora cordifolia, etc. Each plant illustrated by a colourphotograph. Each monograph consists of 'Botanical Affiliation, Vernacular/Regional Names, Distribution and Habitat, Plant Description, History and Uses, Uses in Ayurvedic Systems of Medicine (Synonyms used in Ayurvedic texts, properties and pharmacodynamics,Ayurvedic formulations made from the plant, major chemical constituents).