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Book ID: 114091
Thomas, Peter A.

Trees. 2022. (New Naturalist Series, 145). illus. 512 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Trees are immensely valuable. They give shape to our lives with wood, the material that makes our homes, our books, our belongings; they nourish us with the air we breathe and the fruits we eat; and they sustain us, with their shade and the comfort of their presence. They are also fascinating – they are the biggest and oldest living organisms on the planet and are essential components of many of the landscapes of Britain. Trees have been vital in determining the ecology of our planet as well as the development of human cultures and communities, yet how much do we really understand about them?

How do trees live? How do they fit into their environments? Why are they so important to ecosystems on earth, and to us? And what does the future hold for trees? Can they solve the problems of climate change by absorbing enough carbon dioxide, and would we run out of oxygen if all the world’s trees disappeared? Do trees really talk to each other? There is much to learn about these silent giants.

Ecologist Peter Thomas explores all these questions and many more, delving into the often hidden life of trees, using examples from around the world, from common trees to the unusual and bizarre. This comprehensive introduction to all aspects of tree biology and ecology presents the latest scientific and botanical discoveries and explores the wonders and mysteries of trees.
Autor/Hrsg. Thomas, Peter A.
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Thomas, Peter A.
Verlag Harper Collins Publishers Account 119620/000061
Preis netto 51,00
USD Preis netto 56,1
ISBN/ISSN 9780008304539
ISBN 9780008304539
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
Marktschreier Info Nein
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Conservation of Threatened Desert Plants. 2015. illus. 148 p. Hardcover.

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