Book ID: 34923
Balick, Michael J. and Hans T.Beck
Useful Palms of the World.A Synoptic Bibliography. 1990. XVII,724 p. gr8vo. Cloth.
The first book to present information about palms from the many sourcesof literature (journals, books, technical notes, theses, encyclopaedias,newspaper articles, etc.) in the form of a synoptic bibliography. Eachof the more than one thousand references give a detailed abstract notingeconomic products and ethnobotanical uses mentioned within thereference, with keywords for genera, products, and related subjects. Thecoverage is global, and includes both historical and modern treatments.The book also offers an extensive index for cross-referencing, and aglossary which will help readers define the more technical terms as wellas provide synonyms for terms used interchangeably.