Book ID: 32940
Douglas, George W., Gerald B. Straley and Del Meidinger
Vascular Plants of British Columbia. Part 1: Gymnosperms and Dicoty- ledons (Aceraceae through Cucurbitaceae). 1989. (Special Report Series, no. 1). VII, 208 p. 4to. Paper bd.
This manual describes all of the flowering plants and vascularcryptogams, both native and naturalized, occuring within the borders ofBritish Columbia. Keys are included for all genera, species, subspeciesand varieties. The study is based on examination of specimens in allmajor Canadian herbaria and some US herbaria (e.g.,UC,CAS,WTU), as wellas a complete review of the pertinent literature.The floristic treatment is in alphabetical order by families, generaans species since most of our users may not be familiar with the moretraditional "Englerian system". The users (e.g. foresters, wildlifespecialists, park managers, amateur naturalists, students,etc).oftenrequire specific information about a species.