Book ID: 57446
Vol. 064: Haynes, Robert R. and Lauritz B. Holm- Nielsen: The Alismataceae. 1994. 23 figs. 31 distr.maps. 112 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
The Alismataceae are aquatic or semi-aquatic herbs with erect orfloating leaves and grow as amphiphytes or hydrophytes in fresh water.The family consists of 11 genera and approximately 75 species native totropical, subtropical and subtemperate regions in both the Eastern andWestern hemispheres. Species of this family are known to serve asshelter or sources of nesting materials for marsh and song birds and forfishes. Tubers, other vegetative parts, and fruits serve as food for many species of wildlife. In this monograph, the authors provide keys totaxa, descriptions of all taxa, illustrations, and distribution mapsfor each species and subspecies.