Book ID: 32297
Bibliotheca Lichenologica
Volume 030: Nash III, Thomas H. and Volkmar Wirth (eds.): Lichens, Bryophytes and Air Quality. 1988. figs. tabs. 298 p. gr8vo. Cloth.
The book is roughly organized in four chapters. (1( The first two chapters provide background information for those who are not familiar with lichens and bryophytes. By underlining key words in the first chapter it may be used as a glossary. (2) Chapters 3-6 emphasize field studies and are arranged approximately in an order of increasing quantitative complexity. Information that may be inferred from field studies is frequently limited by the lack of a rigorous sampling design, and consequently anyone who anticipates making field studies should be well familiar with the quantitative approaches and caveats discussed in chapter 6. (3) Chapters 7-10 provide considerable physiological information derived from laboratory studies that are necessary to establish that lichens and mosses do actually respond to air pollutants. This section also discusses ways by which field and laboratory studies may be integrated to establish a stronger case for establishing that lichens and bryophytes are sensitive to air pollutants. (4) The last two chapters provide specific ways by which governmental agencies may usefully apply information gained from lichen and bryophyte studies. Thus the book is concerned with both air quality effects on lichens and mosses and the way by which air quality may be assessed by studying lichens and mosses.