Book ID: 117059
Bibliotheca Lichenologica
Volume 057: Knoph, Johannes-Guenther, K. Schrufer und Harrie J.M. Sipman (eds.): Studies in Lichenology with Emphasis on Chemotaxonomy, Geography and Phytochemistry.Festschrift Christian Leuckert.1995.204 figs.20 tabs.476 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.
Contents (partly): Ahti,T., Stenroos, S., and Marcelli, M.P.: New species of Cladonia from Brazil/ Aptroot,A., Diederich,P., Serusiaux,E. and Sipman,H.J.M.: Lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Laing Island(Papua, New Guinea)/ Arnold,N. und Poelt,J.: Über Anthrachinon-Pigmente bei einigen Arten der Flechtengattung Xanthoria,insbesondere aus der Verwandtschaft von Xanthoria elegans(Teloschistaceae)/ Brodo,I.M.: Notes on the lichen genus Placopsis(Ascomycotina, Trapeliaceae) in North America/ Castello,M. and Nimis,P.L.: A critical revision of Antarctic lichens described by C.W.Dodge/ David,J.C. and Hawksworth,D.L.: Lichens of Mauritius I: some new species and records/ Diederich,P. and Scholz,P.: New or interesting lichenicolous fungi.5.-Sclerococcum leuckertii spec.nova (Deuteromycotina)/ etc.