Book ID: 56280
Flora Mesoamericana
Volume 06: Alismataceae to Cyperaceae. 1994. 543 p. gr8vo.. Hard cover. - In Spanish.
This is the first published volume of a seven - volume 'flora' coveringgeographically the five southernmost states of Mexico (Chiapas, Tabasco,Campeche, Yucatan and Quitana Roo), and the countries Belize, Guatemala,Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Volume 6 isavailable now and includes 28 monocot families, among them Poaceae,Cyperaceae, Bromeliaceae, Commelinaceae, and Agavaceae. Each acceptedspecies ( 1891 in total) is described, along with information abouttypification, nomenclature, habitat and distribution within and outsideMesoamerica. Next volumes expected in 1996 (Vol.1:Ferns/ Vol.4: Melastomataceae, Myrsinaceae, Apocynaceae, Myrtaceae,Ericaceae).- Good second hand copy.