Book ID: 99264
Algological Studies
Volume 127. 2008. 62 figs. 11 tabs. pl. 96 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Contents: Are distinct morphotypes of the genera Anabaena and Aphanizomenon a response to environmental variation in boreal and arctic lakes in Finland? / Ecological and taxonomical remarks on planktic Cyanoprokaryota from Argentinean temparate shallow lakes / Epibiont algae on planktic microcrustaceans from a subtropical shallow lake (Argentina) / Ultrastructural localization of acid phosphatase in the green alga Ulva rigida (Ulvales, Chlorophyta / Growth response and protein profile of two different Scytonema species from cave walls and soil crusts in light and dark / Genus Nostoc , a source of novel trypsin inhibitors / High tolerance to water pollution in Cosmarium boitierense KOUWETS and Staurastrum bloklandiae COESEL et JOOSTEN, taxa recorded for the first time from the Balkan Peninsula.