Book ID: 43698
Volume 25: Dubinsky, Z.: Coral Reefs. 1990. (Second printing 1998). illustr. XI, 550 p. Hardcover.
Contents (main headings): Evolution and Zoogeography of Coral Reefs/The Physical Oceanography of Coral-Reef Systems/ Biogeochemical NutrientCycles in Coral-Reef Ecosystems/ The Role of Symbiotic Algae in Carbonand Energy Flux in Reef Corals/ Irradiance and Corals/ Calcification andPhotosynthesis in Reef-Building Corals and Algae/ Reproduction,Dispersal and Recruitment of Scleractinian Corals/ Competition betweenScleractinian Reef Corals - A Review of Mechanisms and Effects/Coral-Reef Algae/ The Biomass, Production and Fate of Bacteria in CoralReefs/ Plankton in the Reef Ecosystem/ Zoogeography, Behavior andEcology of Coral-Reef Fishes/ Feeding Ecology of Selected Coral-ReefMacroconsumers: Patterns and Effects on Coral Community Structure/Aspects of Trophic Relations, Productivity and Energy Balance inCoral-Reef Ecosystems/ On the Importance of Food Sources in Coral-ReefEcosystems/ Acanthaster Planci Population Outbreaks/ Natural andAnthropogenic Disturbance on Coral Reefs/ Coral-Reef Management/ Trendsand New Perspectives in Coral-Reef Ecology/ Systematic List of Genera/Author Index/ Systematic Index/ General Index.