Book ID: 47118
Rosengarten, Frederic
Wilson Popenoe. Agricultural Explorer, Educator, and Friend of Latin America. 1991. illustrated. VIII,182 p. gr8vo.Cloth.
This illustrated biography of Wilson Popenoe (1892-1975) describes hisyouth in Kansas and California, telling how in 1911, in his father'snursery in Altadena, he propagated selected avocado budwood receivedfrom Mexico to further the development of the avocado industry in theUnited States. From 1912 to 1925 he was a plant explorer for the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture in Latin America. Later, for theUnited Fruit Company, he started a tropical botanical garden andagricultural experiment station in Lancetilla, Honduras, and wasfounding director of the outstanding agricultural school in Zamorano,Honduras, Escuela Agricola Panamericana. During the 930s, Popenoereconstructed from a pile of ruins in Antigua, Guatemala, aseventeenth-century house, which became the tourist attraction known asCasa Popenoe.