Book ID: 36108
DICK, Martin
Wirtschaft und Umwelt cortaillod- und horgenzeitlicher Seeufersiedlungen in Zuerich (Schweiz). Ergebnisse samenanalytischer Un- tersuchungen aus der praehistorischen Station "Mozartstrasse". 1989. (Diss.Bot., Bd. 132). 15 Abb. 19 Tab. 114 S. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Abstract: Culture layers of prehistoric lake shoresettlements are rich in fossil plant material. These plant remainscontain information on the environmental and economical situation atthat time. Vertical sample series show, that the settlements wereestablished on wet ground during low water level periods of the lake.There are qualitative and quantitative differences between the plantmaterials of the various culture layers. The importance of some cropsand the environment seem to have changed. Remains of water- and lakeshore plants might show a rising content of nutrients in the lake.