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Book ID: 55009
Goodfellow, Michael and Anthony G. O'Donnell (eds.)

Chemical Methods in Prokaryotic Systematics. 1994. (Modern Microbiological Methods). figs. tabs. XXVI,576 p. gr8vo. Hard cover.

Contents: Chemosystematics:Current State and Future Prospects/ Analysisof Cellular Constituents from Gram-Negative Bacteria/ Analysis of theWalls of Gram-Positive Bacteria/ Analysis of Archaeal Cell Envelopes/Structural Lipids of Eubacteria/ Analysis of Sterols and Hopanoids/Archael Lipids/ Isoprenoid Quinones/ Analysis of Cytochromes/ Analysisof Bacteriochlorophylls/ Analysis of Carotenoids and Related Polyenes/Determination of DNA Base Composition/ Enzymes in Taxonomy andDiagnostic Bacteriology/ Analysis of Electrophoretic Whole-OrganismProtein Fingerprints/ Analytical Fingerprinting Method.
Autor/Hrsg. Goodfellow, Michael and Anthony G. O'Donnell (eds.)
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Goodfellow, Michael and Anthony G. O'Donnell (eds.)
Seiten Goodfellow, Michael and Anthony G. O'Donnell (eds.): Chemical Methods in Prokaryotic Systematics. 1994. (Modern Microbiological Methods). figs. tabs. XXVI,576 p. gr8vo. Hard cover. (55009) 85.60
Verlag John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Account 01278G0/0001 billing account 01278G00000
Preis netto 80,00
USD Preis netto 88,0
ISBN/ISSN 2240000550091
ISBN 2240000550091
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
Marktschreier Info Nein
85,60 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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(88,00 US$)
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