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Book ID: 9714
Takhtajan, Armen

Flowering Plants. Origin and Dispersal. Authorized translation from the Russian by C.Jeffrey. 1919. Reprint Koenigstein 1981. 13 photographic plates. 32 figures. X,310 p. gr8vo. Bound.

Introduction/ The Flowering Plants-Are they Polyphyletic?/ AncestorsUnknown?/ Ecology and Genetics in Flowering Plant Evolution/ Insects andthe Flowering Plants/ The First Flowering Plant-A Hypothetical Reconstruction (Vegetative Organs, Stomat Apparatus, Nodal Anatomy,etc.)/ Living Fossils (Magnoliales, Laurales, Trochodendrales)/ TheOrigin of the Apetalous Dicotyledons/ The Origin of the Monocots/ Flowering Plants-The First Traces/ The Cretaceous Expansion-Why andWherefore?/ The Cradle of the Flowering Plants/ The Ecological Evolutionof Flowering Plants and the Origin of the Temperate Flora/ The Differentiation of Floras and the Development of the Major Phytochoria/The Basic Steps in the Evolution of the Tertiary Flora of theExtra-Tropical Regions of the Northern Hemisphere/ Appendix 1: An Outline of the Classification of Flowering Plants/ Appendix 2: TheFloristic Regions of the World/ Bibliography (31 p.)/ Index. - This isa joint reprint by KOELTZ and Bishen Singh (Dehra Dun).
Autor/Hrsg. Takhtajan, Armen
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) TAKHTAJAN, Armen
Seiten TAKHTAJAN, Armen: Flowering Plants. Origin and Dispersal. Authorized translation from the Russian by C.Jeffrey. 1919. Reprint Koenigstein 1981. 13 photographic plates. 32 figures. X,310 p. gr8vo. Bound. (9714) 45.00
Verlag Koeltz Botanical Books
Preis netto 42,06
USD Preis netto 46,3
ISBN/ISSN 2240000097145
ISBN 2240000097145
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45,00 € inkl. MwSt (EU – Käufer) *
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