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Book ID: 114712
Chadwick, A. A. and Arthur E. Chadwick

The Classic Cattleyas. 2nd rev. ed. 2021. illus. (col.) 260 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

For two centuries tropical orchids have captured the attention of all those who see them. At first mistaken as parasitic plants because they grow wild on the branches of tropical trees, they were considered nearly impossible to cultivate. But in 1818, William Cattley succeeded in flowering one of the first species of the genus that would bear his name, in his 'stove', or heated greenhouse, in England. These first cattleyas, species from the cloud forests of Central and South America pollinated by particular wasps and bees drawn to their large flowers, are the classic cattleyas whose form defined the essence of tropical orchids for generations to come. Indeed, the color of their flowers became known as 'orchid'.
Autor/Hrsg. Chadwick, A. A. and Arthur E. Chadwick
Artikeltyp Titel
Autor(en) Chadwick, A. A. and Arthur E. Chadwick
Verlag University of Florida Presses
Preis netto 110,00
USD Preis netto 121,0
ISBN/ISSN 97805787866636
ISBN 97805787866636
Akt. Subkriptionspreis Nein
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