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Book ID: 88067
Panda, H.

Aromatic Plants. Cultivation, Processing and Uses. 2004. XII, 478 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Contents (partly): Cultivation of Tagetes Minuta/ Cultivation ofEucalyptus Citriodora/ Cultivation of Rosmarinus Officinalis/ C. ofCoriander Sativum/ C. of Lavender species/ C. of Matricaria Chamomilla/C. of Artemisia Annua/ Vanilla/ Mentha Arvensis/French Basil (Ocimumbacillum L.)/Jasmine/ Semecarpus Anacardium L.f./ Himalayan CedarwoodOil/ Essential Oils of Agarwood, Cinnamomum Tamala Leaves, EucalyptusCitriodora and Caultheria Pragrantissima/ Past and future of Sandalwood oil industry/ etc.-Standardized entries offer descriptions of the plant, soil and climate,propagation, weed control, fertilizers and manures, irrigation,harvesting, chemistry and uses, distillation, processing of relatedcompounds.
Author Panda, H.
Article type Titel
Author Panda, H.
Page image Panda, H.: Aromatic Plants. Cultivation, Processing and Uses. 2004. XII, 478 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (88067) 64.20
Manufacturer Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh Booksellers 23 A Connaught Place 248001 Dehradun INDIEN
Price excl. VAT 60,00
US price excl. VAT 66,0
EAN 9788178330570
ISBN 9788178330570
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