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Book ID: 64424
Frankland, Juliet C., Naresh Magan and Geoffrey M. Gadd (Eds.)

Fungi and Environmental Change. 1996. (Digital reprint 2009). XVI; 351 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

The climbing habit in plants has apparently evolved numerous times. Species that climb are well represented in habitats ranging from tropical rain forests through temperate forests to semi-deserts. The Biology of Vines, first published in 1991, is a treatment of what is known about climbing plants, written by a group of experts and covering topics ranging from the biomechanics of twining to silvicultural methods for controlling vine infestations. Also included are detailed accounts of climbing plant evolution, stem anatomy and function, climbing mechanics, carbon and water relations, reproductive ecology, the role of vines in forest communities and their economic importance. The chapters are based on research on herbaceous vines and woody climbers (lianas) in both temperate and tropical zones, deserts and rain-forests and Old and New World areas. Much remains to be learned about the biology of these plants, but this volume provides a substantial foundation upon which further research can be based.
Author Frankland, Juliet C., Naresh Magan and Geoffrey M. Gadd (Eds.)
Article type Titel
Author Frankland, Juliet C., Naresh Magan and Geoffrey M. Gadd (Eds.)
Page image Frankland, Juliet C., Naresh Magan and Geoffrey M. Gadd (Eds.): Fungi and Environmental Change. 1996. (Digital reprint 2009). XVI; 351 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (64424) 39.59
Manufacturer Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building Account number 0060026093
Price excl. VAT 37,00
US price excl. VAT 40,7
EAN 9780521106252
ISBN 9780521106252
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