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Book ID: 93697
Stropnik, Zlata, Bogdan Tratnik and Garbrijel Seljak

Nase Gobje Bogastvo. 1988. 541 col. photographs. 609 p. Hardcover. - In Slovenian, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index.

Author Stropnik, Zlata, Bogdan Tratnik and Garbrijel Seljak
Article type Titel
Author Stropnik, Zlata, Bogdan Tratnik and Garbrijel Seljak
Page image Stropnik, Zlata, Bogdan Tratnik and Garbrijel Seljak: Nase Gobje Bogastvo. 1988. 541 col. photographs. 609 p. Hardcover. - In Slovenian, with Latin nomenclature and Latin species index. (93697) 42.00
Manufacturer Egon Steinbrenner
Price excl. VAT 39,25
US price excl. VAT 43,2
EAN 2240000936970
ISBN 2240000936970
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42,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
39,25 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(43,20 US$)
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