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Book ID: 83294
Nautiyal, S. and A. K. Kaul

Non - Timber Forest Products of India. 2003. 101 col. photogr. VIII, 538 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

Covers medicinal plants, food from forests, fodder , bamboos andcanes, useful products of forest insect origin, pulp and paper, gums,resins, natural dye material, oils and fats, aromatic oils from forest,fibers, ornamental trees,Sandal (Santalum Album), etc.
Author Nautiyal, S. and A. K. Kaul
Article type Titel
Author Nautiyal, S. and A. K. Kaul
Page image Nautiyal, S. and A. K. Kaul: Non - Timber Forest Products of India. 2003. 101 col. photogr. VIII, 538 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (83294) 68.48
Manufacturer International Book Distributors Booksellers & Publishers Att.:Ravendra Pal Singh
Price excl. VAT 64,00
US price excl. VAT 70,4
EAN 9788188617005
ISBN 9788188617005
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68,48 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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(70,40 US$)
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