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Book ID: 61019
Royal Horticultural Society

- The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary. Edited by Mark Griffiths: Manual of Grasses.1994.illustr. LVI,169 p.gr8vo.Hard cover.

Contents (partly): Introduction, Bamboos, The Families of Grasses and Grass-like Plants, Glossary, Grasses in the Garden, List of Genera, Climatic zones, Tables of Measurement; Grasses A-Z, Names nolonger in use, Popular names, Bibliography.
Author Royal Horticultural Society
Article type Titel
Author Royal Horticultural Society
Page image Royal Horticultural Society:- The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary. Edited by Mark Griffiths: Manual of Grasses.1994.illustr. LVI,169 p.gr8vo.Hard cover.(61019) 37.45
Manufacturer Timber Press
Price excl. VAT 35,00
US price excl. VAT 38,5
EAN 2240000610191
ISBN 2240000610191
Current subscription price Nein
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37,45 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
35,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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