Book ID: 105243
Fascicles of Flora of India
Volume 25: Ericaceae, by M. Sanjappa and A. R. K. Sastry. 2014. 150 line drawings. 11 col. pls. 468 p. gr8co. Hardcover.
Ericaceae in India comprise 11 genera and 280 species (46 endemic) representing 4 subfamilies: Cassiopoideae, Ericoideae, Enkianthoideae and Vaccicinoideae. Among the 11 genera, Diplarche has 2 species, Rhododendron 102 (17 endemic), Enkianthus 1, Cassiope 3, Gaultheria 22, Leucothoe 1, Craibiodendron 1, Lyonia 3, Pieris 1, Agapetes 57 (19 endemic) and Vaccinium 27 (6 endemic). Five species and 8 varieties of agapetes, Vaccinium and Rhododendron and 2 subseries of agapetes are synonymised in this work.
The following new species, new varieties and new subseries: 4 species and 6 varieties of Agapetes, one variety of Enkianthus, a subseries, 3 species and 2 varieties of Gaultheria, 2 species and a variety of Vaccinium and one species, one variety, one new subsection and a new combination from India are included in the fascicle