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Book ID: (78766)
Illustrations of the most important forage grasses of Guizhou Province

1986. 800 line - drawings. 429 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. - In Chinese, with Latin nomenclature.

41,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
38,32 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(42,20 US$)
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131,61 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
123,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(135,30 US$)
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55,64 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
52,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(57,20 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
52,43 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
49,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(53,90 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
57,78 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
54,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(59,40 US$)
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171,20 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
160,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(176,00 US$)
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73,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
68,22 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(75,10 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
Book ID: (73947)
Judziewicz, Emmet J., Lynn G. Clark, a. oth.

American Bamboos. 1999. 130 col. photogr. 203 line figs. VII, 392 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

65,27 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
61,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(67,10 US$)
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