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Book ID: 115429

Atlas of the Hellenic Flora. 3 volumes. 2023. 268 full-page col. plates. 5618 distrib. maps. 2131 p. Hardcover. 30 x 30 cm.

This work summarizes more than two centuries of floristic exploration of Greece, in which the author has participated for the last 59 years. Volumes one and two comprise detailed distribution maps for all species of vascular plants in Greece (5,618 maps in all). The maps have been generated from the Flora Hellenica Database which was started in 1988 and now comprises more than one million geo-referenced records. The individual distribution maps are 118 x 118 mm; in addition to dots they contain a short description as well as information on flowering time, altitude, chorology, life form and ecology. Volume three contains taxonomic comments (78 pages), a bibliography of 16,108 titles, a photo appendix of 268 full-page colour plates (with 12 photos per page) and Index to Scientific Names (61 pages).

Author STRID, Arne
Article type Titel
Author Strid, Arne
Manufacturer Broken Hill Publishers Ltd. Att: Mr. Chris Paschalidis 16 Zenasss Kanther Princess de Tyras str.
Price excl. VAT 260,00
US price excl. VAT 286,0
EAN 9789925351701
ISBN 9789925351701
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
278,20 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
260,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(286,00 US$)
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