Book ID: 116722
Majumdar, Shuvadeep
Bibliographic references on Indian Liverworts (Marchatiophyta) and Horworts (Anthoceratophyta). 2024. 163 p. Hardcover.
Bibliographical References on Indian Liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and Hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) was conceptualised to collate the correct bibliographical references on Indian Liverworts and Hornworts.
The work aims at providing the workers working in the field of Bryology over the last 192 years with correct literature citation. The book enlists the names of both the Indian and foreign contributors in the said field. Care has been taken to include both Indian or foreign collectors, who has made collections from different parts of India and safely deposited in various herbaria. The book also enumerates different fields on which the articles were published and different bryogeographical regions. Finally, an alphabetic list of 1593 references is provided at the end.