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Book ID: 47048
Jeffrey,D. W. and B. Madden (eds.)

Bioindicators and Environmental Management.1991.XIII,458 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.

Contents (partly): Bioindicators, Industry and Administration (Monitoring of Benthic Flora and Fauna in Channels Draining a SewagePlant/ Use of Biotransformation Activity in Fish and Fish Hepatocytesin the Monitoring of Aquatic Pollution Caused by Pulp Industry/ AMonitoring Study of the Succession of Marine Sessile Macro-organismsFive Years Before and After the Operation of a Nuclear Power Plant/ TheUse of Indicator Organisms for the Protection of Recreational Users ofEstuarine and Coastal Waters from Risks to Health/ etc.)/ EnvironmentalRadioactivity and Biomonitoring of the Chernobyl Accident (Soil Faunaas Bioindicators of Biological After-Effects of the Chernobyl AtomicPower Station Accident/ The Chernobyl Accident, Fallout and PossibleEffects in Norway/ Prediction of Radiocaesium Levels in Vegetation andHerbivores Using Bioindicators)/ Monitoring Long Term and Large ScaleEnvironmental Trends (The Structure of Animal Communities asBioindicators of Landscape Deterioration/ Biomonitoring of EnvironmentalChange Using Plant Distribution Patterns/ Numerical Estimation ofClimate from Indicator Plants/ etc.)/ Basic Research in Biomonitoring(Mussel as a Test Animal for Assessing Environmental Pollution and theSub-lethals Effect of Pollutants/ Behavioural Responses to Pollutants -Application in Freshwater Bioassays/ Detection of Antialgal Compoundsof Water Hyacinth/ etc.).
Author Jeffrey,D. W. and B. Madden (eds.)
Article type Titel
Author Jeffrey,D. W. and B. Madden (eds.)
Page image Jeffrey,D. W. and B. Madden (eds.): Bioindicators and Environmental Management.1991.XIII,458 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.(47048) 38.52
Manufacturer Academic Press, Inc. (London) High Street
Price excl. VAT 36,00
US price excl. VAT 38,2
EAN 2240000470481
ISBN 2240000470481
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38,52 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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