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Book ID: 55187
Pezzuto,John M.,Michael E.Johnson and Henri R.Manasse

Biotechnology and Pharmacy.1993.Illustr.XII,458 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.

Contents (partly): Basic Elements of Biotechnology (Background toRecombinant DNA Technology/ Background to Monoclonal Antibodies/Lymphokines and Monokines/ Analytical Methods in Biotechnology/ etc.)/Applications of Biotechnology in the Pharmaceutical Sciences(Application of Recombinant DNA Technology to the Diagnosis of GeneticDisease: Molecular Methods for Detecting the Genetic Basis of Diseases/Human Genome Mapping and Sequencing: Applications in PharmaceuticalScience/ etc.)/ Biotechnology and the Practice of Pharmacy(Biotechnology Products: An Overview/ The Pharmacist Practitioner'sRole in Biotechnology: Clinical Application of Biotechnology Products/Human Trials of Biotechnology Products: A Perspective.
Author Pezzuto,John M.,Michael E.Johnson and Henri R.Manasse
Article type Titel
Author Pezzuto,John M.,Michael E.Johnson and Henri R.Manasse
Page image Pezzuto,John M.,Michael E.Johnson and Henri R.Manasse: Biotechnology and Pharmacy.1993.Illustr.XII,458 p.gr8vo.Hardcover.(55187) 30.00
Manufacturer Kluwer Academic Publishers Group B.V. Sales Department
Price excl. VAT 28,04
US price excl. VAT 30,8
EAN 2240000551876
ISBN 2240000551876
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