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Botanical Biographies
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51,36 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
48,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(52,80 US$)
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Book ID: (87169)
Hoffmann, Dieter, Hubert Laitko und Staffan Müller-Wille (Eds.)

Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler. Band 3 (Men-Z). 2004. illust. XIII, 613 S. gr8vo. Leinen. Im Schuber.

99,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
92,52 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(101,80 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
Book ID: (86176)
Hoffmann, Dieter, Hubert Laitko und Staffan Müller-Wille (Eds.)

Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler. Band 2 (F-Mei). 2004. illustr. IX, 485 S. gr8vo. Leinen. Im Schuber.

99,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
92,52 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(101,80 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
Book ID: (84073)
Hoffmann, Dieter, Hubert Laitko und Staffan Müller-Wille (Eds.)

Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler. Band 1 (A-E). 2003. illus. XVII, 497 S. gr8vo. Leinen.

99,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
92,52 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(101,80 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
57,78 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
54,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(59,40 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
79,18 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
74,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(81,40 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
80,25 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
75,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(82,50 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
83,46 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
78,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(85,80 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.
67,41 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
63,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(69,30 US$)
Shipping extra * VAT is not applicable to customers with a European VAT-ID.

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