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Botanical Dictionaries & Encylopaedias
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108,07 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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Book ID: (84723)
Chibikova, O. I., N. N. Smirnova, a. oth.

New English - Russian Biological Dictionary. 2003. 914 p. gt8vo. Hardcover.

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Book ID: (66689)
Cibisova, Olga I., Alexandra J. Bolotina and Ewgenij F. Linnik (eds.)

Woerterbuch Biologie:English - Deutsch.1996.452 S.gr8vo.

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Book ID: (91447)
Clifford, H. Trevor and Peter D. Bostock

Etymological Dictionary of Grasses. 2006. XII, 319 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

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