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Botanical Methods and Techniques
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Book ID: (94169)
Downes, Barbara J., Leon a. Barmuta, Peter G. Fairweather et al.

Monitoring Ecological Impacts: Concepts and Practice in Flowing Waters. 2002. (Reprint 2008). XVI, 434 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

54,57 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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85,60 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
80,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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109,14 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
102,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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88,81 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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52,43 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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33,17 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
31,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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Book ID: (91439)
Dubitzky, Werner, Martin Granzow and Daniel P. Berrar (eds.)

Fundamentals of Data Mining in Genomics and Proteomics. 2006. 68 illustr. XXII, 282 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

65,91 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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(67,80 US$)
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194,74 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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Book ID: (92129)
Dudley, Nigel, Rodolphe Schlaepfer, Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, William JACKSON AND SUE STOLTON

Forest Quality. Assessing Forests at a Landscape Scale. 2006. illustr. 192 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

57,78 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
54,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(59,40 US$)
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