Book ID: 114695
Maslovski, Olege Mechislavovich
Bryocomplexes of Belarus in the Bryophyte Floras System of Eastern Europe. 2022. 1297 dot maps with English explanations. P. 1-27 and 480 -531 in Russian. 4to. Hardcover.
This monograph is the result of many years of bryofloristic studies of the territories of the Republic of Belarus and Eastern Europe. The book is a systematic approach to the study of flora, considers the main taxonomic, geographical, ecological and biological features of the bryocomplexes of Belarus in the system of bryofloras of Eastern Europe. A summary of bryophyte species of Eastern Europe is given, their ecology, distribution, including maps of locations are given. A system of geographic elements of bryophyte species of Eastern Europe is proposed. The features of the anthropogenic impact on the bryoflora and the issues of protection of bryophytes are considered.