Book ID: 102949
Wilk, Karina
Calcicolous Species of the Genus Caloplaca in the Polish Western Carpathians. 2012. (Polish Botanical Studies, 29). 58 (18 col.) figs. 91 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.
Abstract. This monograph is based on a revision of material from national and foreign herbaria and on the authors field study. Thirty-nine taxa of Caloplaca Th. Fr. were recognized in the Polish Western Carpathians: C. albolutescens (Nyl.) H. Olivier, C. albopruinosa (Arnold) H. Olivier, C. arnoldii subsp. obliterata (Pers.) Gaya, C. arnoldiiconfusa Gaya & Nav.-Ros., C. atroalba(Tuck.) Zahlbr., C. aurea (Schaer.) Zahlbr., C. biatorina (A. Massal.) J. Steiner, C. chalybaea (Fr.) Müll. Arg., C. chrysodeta (Vain. ex Räsänen) Dombr., C. cirrochroa (Ach.) Th. Fr., C. citrina (Hoffm.) Th. Fr., C. coccinea (Müll. Arg.) Poelt, C. coronata (Kremp. ex Körb.) J. Steiner, C. crenulatella (Nyl.)H. Olivier, C. decipiens (Arnold) Blomb. & Forssell, C. dichroa Arup, C. dolomiticola (Hue) Zahlbr., C. flavescens (Huds.) J. R. Laundon, C. flavocitrina (Nyl.) H. Olivier,C. flavovirescens (Wulfen) Dalla Torre & Sarnth., C. holocarpa (Ach.) A. E. Wade, C. keissleri (Servít) Poelt, C. lactea (A. Massal.) Zahlbr., C. marmorata (Bagl.) Jatta, C. nubigena (Kremp.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth., C. oasis (A. Massal.) Szatala, C. percrocata (Arnold) J. Steiner, C. polycarpa (A. Massal.) Zahlbr., C. proteus Poelt, C. pseudofulgensia Gaya & Nav.-Ros., C. pusilla (A. Massal.) Zahlbr., C. saxicola (Hoffm.) Nordin, C. soralifera Vondrák &Hrouzek, C. teicholyta (Ach.) J. Steiner, C. variabilis (Pers.) Müll. Arg., C. velana complex, C. vitellinaria Szatala, C. xantholyta (Nyl.) Jatta, and C. xanthostigmoidea (Räsänen) Zahlbr. Two species are new for Poland: C. albolutescens andC. arnoldiiconfusa. One is new for the Polish Carpathians: C. crenulatella. Many new regional records are given, helpingto complete the geographical range of some poorly knowntaxa, such as C. chrysodeta, C. polycarpa and C. xantholyta. A few species were not confirmed from the study area: C. alociza (A. Massal.) Mig., C. aurantia (Pers.) Helb.,C. erythrocarpa (Pers.) Zwackh, and C. subochracea (Wedd.) Werner. Detailed descriptions of all recognized species are provided, with illustrations, distribution maps and a key for species identification.