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Book ID: 104194
Lorda, Mikel Lorda

Catalogo Floristico de Navarra. 2013. (Monografias de Botanica Iberica, 11). 281 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.- In Spanish.

This is the first modern work on the vascular plants of the region of Navarre. The work begins with a short introduction explaining some historical aspects of floristic studies in Navarre. It is followed by a guide to the use of the catalogue, supported by a map showing the different sectors into which Navarre is divided from a regional and biogeographical point of view. The catalogue of flora, the fundamental part, is structured in alphabetical order of families, and within each of them, identical criteria are applied to the genus and species/subspecies.

This work lists a total of 3073 taxa of vascular flora, of which 2796 are considered to belong to the current flora of Navarre. For each one, the accepted scientific name and its synonyms are given; its status of presence in this territory; origin and ecology; habitats of community importance in which it can be found - when it is a characteristic taxon -; general distribution, in geographical and biogeographical regions (Alpine, Atlantic and Mediterranean regions), in the latter case assigning a frequency/abundance index; legal conservation status when it exists; observations of a taxonomic or nomenclatural nature, errors in citations, relevant localities, presence in the Spanish Catalogue of taxonomy and nomenclature; and, where applicable, a list of the taxon's taxonomical and biogeographical distribution.

This is followed by a synthetic chapter on various aspects of the flora of Navarre, its chorological groups, endemisms, degree of abundance/rarity by chorological sectors and protected or catalogued plants. It ends with a bibliography and an index of species.
Author Lorda, Mikel Lorda
Article type Titel
Author Lorda, Mikel Lorda
Page image Lopez, Mikel Lorda: Catalogo Floristico de Navarra. 2013. (Monografias de Botanica Iberica,11). 281 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (104194) 27.82
Manufacturer Jolube Consultoria Ambiental José Luis Benito Alonso
Price excl. VAT 26,00
US price excl. VAT 27,6
EAN 9788493958190
ISBN 9788493958190
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Pitchman info Nein
27,82 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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