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Book ID: 42045
TOWPASZ, Krystyna

Charakterystyka Geobotaniczna Pogorza Strzyzowskiego. 1990. (Rozprawy Habilitacyjne, no. 178). 61 figs. 242 p. gr8vo. Paper bound. - In Polish and English, with abstract in English.

The results of the floristic studies (Towpasz 1987b) carried out in theStrzyzow Foothills (West Carpathians, Southern Poland) were basis forthe phytogeographical characterization of the study area. A detailedanalysis of the flora and regularities in the distribution of selectedgroups of plant species has suggested a geobotanical division of thestudy area into two geobotanical units "Loess Section" and "FlyschSection". Comparison of the flora and plant communities of particularparts of the Carpathian Foothills revealed that the whole region belongto the West Carpathian Subdivision of the Carpathian Division. TheStrzyzow Foothills belong to the separate geobotanical unit: so-calledStrzyzow-Dynow Subdistrict of the Western Carpathian Foothills District.Comparison of the flora of the Strzyzow Foothills (Carpathians) and theKolbuszowa Plateau (Sadomierz Basis) enabled the demarcation of the boundary between the Central European Mountain Province and the CentralEuropean Lowland Province in this part of Poland.
Author TOWPASZ, Krystyna
Article type Titel
Author TOWPASZ, Krystyna
Page image TOWPASZ, Krystyna: Charakterystyka Geobotaniczna Pogorza Strzyzowskiego. 1990. (Rozprawy Habilitacyjne, no. 178). 61 figs. 242 p. gr8vo. Paper bound. - In Polish and English, with abstract in English. 39.59 (42045)
Manufacturer Library/Exchange W.Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences
Price excl. VAT 37,00
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EAN 2240000420455
ISBN 2240000420455
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