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Book ID: 25482
BROWICZ, Kazimierz

Chorology of Trees and Shrubs in South-West Asia and Adjacent Regions. Vol. 5. 1986. 50 distrib.maps. 88 p. 4to. Paper bd.

The fifth volume of the "Chorology of trees and shrubs in South-West Asia and adjacent regions" covers descriptions of ranges of a further 50 species. They belong to 25 genera and 19 families, of which seven are represented by only a single species. The greatest number of species is given for the following families: Leguminosae (9), Rosaceae (7),Celastraceae (5) and Araliaceae (4). The volume treats primarily shrubsor small trees, and less commonly large trees attaining 24-25 m in height (Quercus). A few species are shrublets, usually no taller than1 m (Berberis cretica L., Lithodora hispidula (Smith) Griseb., Linumarboreum L., Comarum salesovianum (Stephan) Asch. et Graebner, Putoriacalabrica (L.f.)DC.) and six species are climbers (Hedera, Clematis,Ampelopsis). The range maps have been prepared on the same principles as in the former 4 volumes. Only in the case of Ficus carica L. a certain modification was introduced, namely the range of subsp. rupestris(Hausskn.) Browicz is shown as a point map while the range of subsp.carica is shown only with the help of a border line. The reasons for this are given in the text. The literature listing has been increased by a further 49 items. The texts have been translated into English byM.Giertych from Kornik.
Author BROWICZ, Kazimierz
Article type Titel
Author Browicz, Kazimierz
Page image BROWICZ, Kazimierz: Chorology of Trees and Shrubs in South-West Asia and Adjacent Regions. Vol. 5. 1986. 50 distrib.maps. 88 p. 4to. Paper bd. (25482) 32.10
Manufacturer Instytut Dendrologii Polskii Polska Akademia Nauk
Price excl. VAT 30,00
US price excl. VAT 31,8
EAN 2240000254821
ISBN 2240000254821
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32,10 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
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