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Book ID: 87158
Jedlicka, Josef

Collection of 4 contributions on mosses as lined out below. gr8vo. Paper bd.

1: O promenlivosti mechu Dolichotheca Seligeri (Bridel) Loeske & Prispevek k monografii rodu Plagiothecum Bryol. eur.s.str. 1954/2: Monographia Specierum Europaearum Gen. Plagiothecium s.s., PartisSpecialis I, Summarium/ 3: Listove Monstrosity a Abnormity RoduPlagiothecium Bryol. Eur. (Monstrositates Abnormitatesque FoliorumPlagiothecii Generis). 1948/4: Monographia specierum europaearumgen. Plagiothecium s.s. Icones (Tabulae photographicae 1- 7 et tabulaeI - XXXII). 1950.
Author Jedlicka, Josef
Article type Titel
Author Jedlicka, Josef
Page image Jedlicka, Josef: Collection of 4 contributions on mosses as lined out below. gr8vo. Paper bd. (87158) 40.66
Manufacturer Museum of Evolution Botany Section Uppsala University
Price excl. VAT 38,00
US price excl. VAT 40,3
EAN 2240000871585
ISBN 2240000871585
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MarketinghinweisManuell zur Zeit nicht lieferbar. Bestellung wird vorgemerkt.
zur Zeit nicht lieferbar. Bestellung wird vorgemerkt.
40,66 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
38,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(40,30 US$)
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