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Book ID: 92648
Nikolau, B. J. and E. S. Wurtele (eds.)

Concepts in Plant Metabolomics. 2007. IX, 297 p. gr8vo. Hardcover.

Analogous to genomics, which defines all genesin a genome irrespective of their functionality,metabolomics seeks to profile all metabolites in abiological sample irrespective of the chemical andphysical properties of these molecules.Metabolomics has the potential of defining cellularprocesses as it provides a measure of the ultimatephenotype of an organism, as defined by thecollage of small molecules, whose levels of accumulationis altered in response to genetic and environmentallyinduced changes in gene expression.This book presents a guide for new practitioners ofmetabolomics, providing insights as to the currentuse and applications of metabolomics.From the contentsPreface: 1.Validated High Quality AutomatedMetabolome Analysis of Arabidopsis Th aliana LeafDisks Quality Control Charts and Standard OperatingProcedures.- 2.GC-MS Peak Labeling UnderArMet.- 3.Metabolomics and Plant QuantitativeTrait Locus Analysis Th e Optimum GeneticalGenomics Platform?.- 4.Design of MetaboliteRecovery by Variations of the Metabolite ProfilingProtocol.- 5. Uncovering the Plant Metabolome:Current and Future Challenges.- 6.Lipidomics:ESI-MS/MS-Based Profiling to Determine theFunction of Genes Involved in Metabolism ofComplex Lipids.- 7.Time-Series Integrated Metabolomicand Transcriptional Profiling AnalysesShort-Term Response of Arabidopsis ThalianaPrimary Metabolism to Elevated Co2 - Case Study.
Author Nikolau, B. J. and E. S. Wurtele (eds.)
Article type Titel
Author Nikolau, B. J. and E. S. Wurtele (eds.)
Page image Nikolau, B. J. and E. S. Wurtele (eds.): Concepts in Plant Metabolomics. 2007. IX, 297 p. gr8vo. Hardcover. (92648) 123.00
Manufacturer Springer Nature, KNR: 300 224 8189 Customer Service Center GmbH Kundenservice Buch
Price excl. VAT 114,95
US price excl. VAT 121,9
EAN 9781402056079
ISBN 9781402056079
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123,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
114,95 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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