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Book ID: 42054

Ecological and Biological Systems under Extreme Conditions. (Theory, Experiments, Suppositions). 1989. illustr. 240 p. 8vo. Hard cover.

The book brings together information on the behaviour of biological andecological systems under conditions of high and low temperature, inelectromagnetic fields (EMFs) of different frequencies, in ionizingradiation fields and in conditions of alternating osmotic pressure.For the first time formulated is a general concept of response reactionof biosystem's responses to the action of physical and chemical factors,which alter the structure of bound water in cells and tissues, inducerecharging of the water layers adjacent to the cell envelopes,membranes, inclusions and other large biomolecules. The book deals withthe problem of excessive energy of ionizing radiation recharging thelayers of structurally bound water, and subsequently leading intostratification of preexisting lamellar structures, for instance, of theenvelope of Nitellopsis obtusa cell, its chloroplasts. It is shown forthe first time that in the tracks of relativistic particles the coldplasma is formed and hydrodynamic phenomena take place widening theareas of lesion of living tissues sensitive to hydraulic impacts, andchanging the approaches to prognostication of graveness in cases of theradiation disease. The book discusses the problems of life-support incosmic flights and mastering the planets of the Solar system, forinstance, Mars and Venus, utilizing some microalgae and bacteria withhigh adaptive properties.
Article type Titel
Page image ZLOBIN, V. and V.NENISKIENE: Ecological and Biological Systems under Extreme Conditions. (Theory, Experiments, Suppositions). 1989. illustr. 240 p. 8vo. Hard cover. (42054) 27.82
Manufacturer Mokslas Leidykla
Price excl. VAT 26,00
US price excl. VAT 27,6
EAN 2240000420547
ISBN 2240000420547
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27,82 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
26,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(27,60 US$)
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