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Book ID: 24384

Ecological Aspects of Radionuclide Release.1983. (Special Publ.No.3,British Ecological Society,279 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.

Contents:J.Vennart:The recommendations of the International Comissionon Radiological Protection./J.K.Donoghue:Regulatory procedures from theindustrial viewpoint./C.Myttenaere:Behaviour and control of radionuclides in the environment:present state of knowledge and futureneeds./O.W.Heal & A.D.Horrill:The terrestrial ecosystem:an ecologicalcontext for radionuclide research./P.A.Cawse:The accumulation ofcaesium-137 and plutonium-239+240 in soils of Great Britain./Etc.
Author Coughtrey,P.J.(ed.)
Article type Titel
Author Coughtrey,P.J.(ed.)
Page image Coughtrey,P.J.(ed.):Ecological Aspects of Radionuclide Release.1983. (Special Publ.No.3,British Ecological Society,279 p.gr8vo.Paper bd. (24384) 35.00
Manufacturer Blackwell Scientific Publication
Price excl. VAT 32,71
US price excl. VAT 36,0
EAN 2240000243849
ISBN 2240000243849
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