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Book ID: 79805

Ed. by William Thiselton - Dyer, a. oth. Volumes 1-6, Volume 5:2 supplement, and volume 7.1859 - 1933. gr8vo. Cloth. - Partly reprinted.

Second hand set in perfect state. Blue hardcover. The supplement to volume 5:2 is paper bd.- Complete set.
Article type Titel
Author Flora Capensis
Page image Flora Capensis: Ed. by William Thiselton - Dyer, a. oth. Volumes 1-5, Volume 5:2 supplement, and volume 7.1859 - 1933. gr8vo. Cloth. - Partly reprinted. (79805) 287.00
Manufacturer Jürgen Illmer
Price excl. VAT 268,22
US price excl. VAT 295,1
EAN 2240000798059
ISBN 2240000798059
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
287,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
268,22 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(295,10 US$)
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