Book ID: 3332
Book 2: Turner, Nancy J. and Adam F. Szczawinski: Wild Coffee and Tea Substitutes of Canada. 1978. Several coloured photographic plates. 109 p. gr8vo. Spiral bound.
Contents (shortened): Introd. (The need for coffee and tea substitutes, The history of coffee, The history of tea, The history ofcoffee and tea substitutes, How to gather and prepare coffee and teasubstitutes, A necessary caution, format)/ Wild Coffee and TeaSubstitutes (Junipers, Evergreen trees, Wild grains, Balsamroot, Chicory, Jerusalem artichoke, Common dandelion, Sweet birch and yellowbirch, Kinnikinnick, Wintergreen, Labrador tea, Canada blueberry andrelatives, Red clover and white clover, Beech, Canada mint and relatives, Wild bergamot, Sassafras, Fireweed, New Jersey taxa, Wildstrawberry, etc.)/ Glossary/ Bibliography/ Index.