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Book ID: 110804
Martin, Ljudmilla, Liis Marmor and Tiina Randlane

Eesti Kividel Kasvavad Suursamblikud / Epilithic Macrolichens of Estonia. 2015. illus. 304 p. - Trilingual (Estonian, Russian, English).

Lichens, or more scientifically speaking lichenized fungi which, in a symbiotic relationship with green algae or cyanobacteria, create thalli rich in form and colour on trees, rocks and ground, are rather well known in Estonia by now. People do not confuse them with mosses belonging to the kingdom of plants any longer. The possibilities to use lichens as indicators of valuable woodlands or air pollution, as well as medications or beautiful Christmas decorations are widely acknowledged.

This publication continues to introduce these mysterious organisms which, nevertheless, turn up everywhere, in the same popular form as in the previous book “Epiphytic macrolichens of Estonia” (Randlane et al. 2011). The species can be determined using the illustrated identification key; once the name of the species is known, a lot of additional information can be found in the species’ pages which form the main part of this book. In Estonia, nearly one thousand species of fungi are known which are able to form lichens, and only one third of them belong among macrolichens having a rather conspicuous and large thallus. In this publication, 108 macrolichen species growing on rocks are presented.

This handbook is in three languages, in Estonian, English and Russian, providing a glossary of specific terms, short descriptions of the species and numerous pictures.
Author Martin, Ljudmilla, Liis Marmor and Tiina Randlane
Article type Titel
Author Martin, Ljudmilla, Liis Marmor and Tiina Randlane
Manufacturer Rahva Raamat AS Att.: Mrs. Marika Kuldkepp
Price excl. VAT 56,00
US price excl. VAT 59,4
EAN 9789949328147
ISBN 9789949328147
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59,92 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
56,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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