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Book ID: 47052
Hunter,Mark D., Takayuki Ohgushi and Peter W.Price (eds.)

Effects of Resource Distribution on Animal-Plant Interactions.1992.XI,505 p.gr8vo. Hardcover.

Contents (partly): Natural Variability in Plants and Animals/ Phenotypic and Genotypic Variation in Plants and Animals (The impact ofResource Variation on Population Quality in Herbivorous Insects: ACritical Aspect of Population Dynamics/ Small-Mammal Herbivores in aPatchy Environment: Individual Strategies and Population Responses/Plant Genotype: A Variable Factor in Insect-Plant Interactions)/Resource Distribution, Reproduction, and Population Dynamics (NectarDistributions, Pollinator Behavior, and Plant Reproductive Success/Plant Resources as the Mechanistic Basis for Insect Herbivore PopulationDynamics/ Factoring Natural Enemies into Plant Tissue Availability toHerbivores/ Resource Limitation on Insect Herbivore Populations)/Resource Distribution and Patterns in Animal-Plant Communities(Bottom-Up versus Top-Down Regulation of Vertebrate Populations: Lessonsfrom Birds and Fish/ Interactions within Herbivore Communities Mediatedby the Host Plant: The Keystone Herbivore Concept/ etc.)/ EvolutionaryResponses to the Distribution of Resources.
Author Hunter,Mark D., Takayuki Ohgushi and Peter W.Price (eds.)
Article type Titel
Author Hunter,Mark D., Takayuki Ohgushi and Peter W.Price (eds.)
Page image Hunter,Mark D., Takayuki Ohgushi and Peter W.Price (eds.): Effects of Resource Distribution on Animal-Plant Interactions.1992.XI,505 p.gr8vo. Hardcover.(47052) 92.02
Manufacturer Academic Press, Inc. (London) High Street
Price excl. VAT 86,00
US price excl. VAT 91,2
EAN 9780123619556
ISBN 9780123619556
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
92,02 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
86,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(91,20 US$)
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