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Book ID: 102971
Sueppli, Frank

Epiphyllum 2. 2006, Many col. potogr. 80 p. Hardcover.

An iconography of Epiphyllum hybrids. Descriptions of over 38 newhybrids from Germany and the Netherlands. Parentage of most hybridsis shown.
Author Sueppli, Frank
Article type Titel
Author Sueppli, Frank
Page image Sueppli, Frank: Epiphyllum 2. 2006, Many col. potogr. 80 p. Hardcover. (102971) 24.61
Manufacturer F. Suepplie
Price excl. VAT 23,00
US price excl. VAT 25,3
EAN 9789085610205
ISBN 9789085610205
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
24,61 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
23,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(25,30 US$)
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