Book ID: 55178
Maheshwari, J. K., G. Kunkel, M. M. Bhandari and J. A. Duke (eds.)
Ethnobotany in India.1993.(Reprint from Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany, Additional Series No.10,1992).Illustr.499 p.
Contents (partly): Amalraj, V.A.: Ethnobotanical notes on banana in India/ Ara, S. & Naqshi, A.R.: Ethnobotanical studies in GuraisValley, Kashmir/ Bhalla, S., Patel, J.R. & Bhalla, N.P.: Ethnomedicinalherbal legumes of Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh/ Bhalla, S., Patel,J.R. & Bhalla, N.P.: Ethnomedicinal studies on genus Indigofera from Bundelkhand region, Madhya Pradesh/ Binu, S., Nayar, T.S. & Pushpangadan, P.: An outline of ethnobotanical research in India/ Chauhan, M.S. & Bhattacharyya, A.: A contribution to the ethnobotany of Pokhari block,Chamoli Garhwal, U.P. Himalaya/ Chettri, R., Rai, B. & Khawas, D.B.:Certain medicinal plants in the folklore and folklife of Darjeeling and Sikkim hills, India I. Used for the treatment of ailments in domestic animals/ Chhetri, R.B., Kataki, S.K. & Boissya, C.L.: Ethnobotany of some ichthyotoxic plants in Meghalaya, northeastern India/ etc.