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Book ID: 70589
Cris i Matas, Rosa M.

Flora Briologica del Montnegre. 1985. Many dot - maps. 287 p. gr8vo. Paper bd.

Deals with the bryological flora of the 'Massis del Montnegre', which is part of Catalan province, Spain.
Author Cris i Matas, Rosa M.
Article type Titel
Author Cris i Matas, Rosa M.
Page image Cris i Matas, Rosa M.: Flora Briologica del Montnegre. 1985. Many dot - maps. 287 p. gr8vo. Paper bd. (70589) 41.73
Manufacturer Portico Librerias c.Munoz Seca, 6
Price excl. VAT 39,00
US price excl. VAT 42,9
EAN 9788472830653
ISBN 9788472830653
Current subscription price Nein
Pitchman info Nein
41,73 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
39,00 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
(42,90 US$)
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