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Book ID: 249
Flora Malesiana

being an illustrated systematic account on the Malaysian flora, including keys for determination, diagnostic descriptions, references to the literature, synonymy, and distribution, and notes on the ecology of its wild and commonly cultivated plants. General editor: C.G.G.J. Van Steenis. Series I: Volume 001: Malaysian Plant Collectors and Collections, being a cyclopedia of botanical exploration in

This volume is a key volume to Malaysian botany.Contents (main headings): GENERAL PART: Introduction (Aim and history ofthis Cyclopedia, The Cyclopedia as part of the Flora Malesiana/ Who is a'collector'?/ Private collections of Malaysian plants/ Why only Phanerogams and Pteridophytes?/ Collectors and collections of fossilplants excluded/ Correction of errors and mistakes/ etc.)/ The techniqueof plant collecting and preservation in the tropics (General remarks/Food and medicine/ Equipment for camping; clothes/ Scientific equipment/How to collect?/ etc.)/ The delimitation of Malaysia and its main plantgeographical divisions/ Chronology of the collections (Geographicallyarranged survey, with a map/ Voyages and expeditions chronologically/Early explorers in Malaysia up to 1840)/ Desiderata for futureexploration (Extensive collecting work/ Survey of collecting density/Objectives for future extensive collecting work/ Intensive localcollecting in selected places)/ Important sources of information used incompiling the list of collectors (Survey of sources giving data oncollectors, collections, and travels/ Reports, papers, and otherinformation pertaining to herbaria where Malaysian collections arepreserved/ Select list of originally private collections and theirpresent location)/ Some samples of facsimile handwritings. - SPECIALPART: Legend to abbreviations and symbols/ Illustrated alphabetical listof the collectors/ Addenda et corrigenda/ Index.
Author Flora Malesiana
Article type Titel
Author Flora Malesiana
Page image FLORA MALESIANA: being an illustrated systematic account on the Malaysian flora, including keys for determination, diagnostic descriptions, references to the literature, synonymy, and distribution, and notes on the ecology of its wild and commonly cultivated plants. General editor: C.G.G.J. Van Steenis. Series I: Volume 001: Malaysian Plant Collectors and Collections, being a cyclopedia of botanical exploration in Malaysia, and a guide to the concerned literature up to the year 1950, by M.J. Van Steenis- Kruseman. 1950. (Reprint 1985). 3 maps. approx. 200 figs. (portraits of botanists). CLII,639 p. gr8vo. Bound. 2 supplements have been added. (249) 82.00 (ISBN 978-3-87429-243-6)
Series Title Flora Malesiana
Series no 1
Manufacturer Koeltz Botanical Books
Price excl. VAT 76,64
US price excl. VAT 81,2
EAN 9783874292436
ISBN 9783874292436
Current subscription price Nein
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82,00 € incl. VAT (EU buyers) *
76,64 € excl. VAT (Other buyers)
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