Book ID: 62775
Dunlop, C.R., G.J. Leach and I.D. Cowie
Flora of the Darwin Region. Volume 2.1995.(Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin,20).Illustr. 261 p.gr8vo.Paper bd.
Volume 1 not yet published. A total of four volumes scheduled.Standing orders welcome.-Volume 2 deals with 440 species of Mimosaceae,Caesalpiniaceae, Fabaceae, Proteaceae, Haloragaceae, Sonneratiaceae,Lythraceae, Thymelaeaceae, Onagaraceae, Melastomataceae, Combretaceae,Myrtaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Olacaceae, Opiliaceae, Santalaceae,Loranthaceae, Viscaceae, Celastraceae, Hippocrateaceae, Aquifoliaceae,Stackhousiaceae, Euphorbiaceae.